Whistleblower system – what is behind it?
Whistleblowers are vital to maintaining an open and transparent society because they are courageous enough to expose abuses. A whistleblower platform was set up to give whistleblowers the opportunity to report information confidentially and have secure protection against any negative consequences. In addition to the overall protection of the whistleblower’s identity, the web-based whistleblower system offers a user-friendly interface and makes it possible to communicate anonymously with the Compliance Officer and ask questions.
Schwarzmüller whistleblower platform
According to EU Directive 2019/1937 (“EU Whistleblower Directive”), whistleblowers are protected against retaliation such as suspension, lay-off, dismissal, demotion or equivalent measures, provided that the information reported falls within the material and personal scope of EU Directive 2019/1937, and the whistleblower has reasonable grounds to believe that the reported breaches of Union law are true. Whistleblowers who maliciously and intentionally make false or misleading reports or unsubstantiated allegations have no protection from retaliation, and such reporting may be qualified as a criminal offence, such as defamation.
The reporting channels mentioned below do not serve as an ombudsperson for complaints or challenges.
We encourage you to provide your contact details when filing a report so that open questions can be addressed. Your data will be kept confidential. However, if you prefer to report anonymously, the implemented Schwarzmüller whistleblower platform will protect your identity. The content of your report is processed by the Compliance Officer. Your report will be treated confidentially. Whistleblower protection applies to reporting in accordance with EU Directive 2019/1937. You are required to only pass on information that you believe to be correct to the best of your knowledge.
The following reporting channels are available to you. Schwarzmüller employees can still use the previous reporting channels and report any concerns to their superiors directly.
Go to the reporting channel via the Schwarzmüller whistleblower platform:
- Reporting channel for Germany
- Reporting channel for Austria
- Reporting channel for Romania
- Reporting channel for the Czech Republic
- Reporting channel for Hungary
- Reporting channel for Hüffermann
- Reporting channel for all other countries